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Upcoming Projects IKO/IDO on Kommunitas Launchpad



Kommunitas is a decentralized launchpad that gives great access to teams to launch their products in the ecosystem and users to participate in the IKOs. One of its major advantages is decreasing the entry-level for participation in IKOs.

If you’re looking for projects that will be launched on Kommunitas, then here’s a full list and description all projects as of today:

DCD Ecosystem

DCD ecosystem is a GameFi infrastructure protocol, built to help gamers build games, integrate DeFi elements, and launch with reduced time-to-market,” according to the website.

This platform wants to solve GameFi challenges like lack of proper structure to support ownership, absence of benefits for data collection, difficulty in game monetization, payment and legal inefficiency.

For DCD, the drive is to create an ecosystem that will bring developers, affiliates, players, and game operators under an umbrella. The components of the platform will include DAE DCD, DCD Fund, DCD Protocol, DCD Token, and Affiliate Program.

The native token is $DCD (a BSC/BEP-20 token) which has a current total supply is 320,000,000 DCD with an initial market cap of $1,401,600. The swap rate is 0.04 USDC (Polygon). The IKO will start on Tue, 15 March 2022, at 03:00 UTC and end the same day at 21.00 UTC.

If you want to be part of it, you can join here. Please note that payment is made in USDC (Polygon), while distribution will be on BSC.


EthernalHorizons is the company… Mechachain is the project… and $MECHA is the token of this super exciting mobile play-to-earn game that will be opened for staking on 18 March 2022.

The team behind this project believes that the lines between the real world and the virtual world will shrink with time and that’s why they created this 3D game that gives an experience in robot combat and space conquest. Mecha, the name was given to the robots, is simply NFTs put together to create a full-fighting avatar.

Mecha can be purchased in a marketplace with Mechanium or Ether or a card design for the purpose. Each player has a chance to earn by winning battles and conquests. The rewards gotten can be traded or sold or used to build better robots to conquer more battles.

Mechanium has a total supply, initial market cap, and swap rate of 100,000,000 MECHA, $2,000,000, and 0.7 USDC (Polygon) respectively. Just like CDC, the payment will be in USDC (Polygon), and distribution on Polygon. Click here to participate.

Nomad Exile

Nomad Exile is a super RPG project being developed from a game that has a strong game economy. It is supported by Enterprise Gamedev & Blockchaindev Teams; already in the Google Play Store with over a million downloads and possessing a lot of NFTs and utilities.

Nomad Exile is developed by a global team scattered around the world from Vyacheslav Arventiev, Co-Founder to Maxim Astrov, the CPO, and Daria Karelina, a game designer. You can see others here. They all work for Pride Games Studio which is the parents organization and owns the game.

With a market capitalization of $364,370, $PRIDE, the token of the game has a total supply of 250,000,000, and a swap rate of 0.1 USDC (Polygon). It will start on Mon, 21 Mar 2022, 03:00 UTC with payment in USDC (Polygon), distribution on BSC. Click here to join.

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Supernova represents a metaverse game that brings in combat, mission, politics, rivalry, and economics together. It is built with the MMORPG model that incorporates play-to-earn.

The game can be accessed via PCs as well as mobile devices. And part of the roadmap of the team is to incorporate their token in top crypto exchanges like Binance and Huobi.

$LFC is the native token of Supernova having a total supply of 100,000,000 LFC, an initial market cap of $513,000. Its swap rate is 0.3 USDC (Polygon). Supernova will be released on the 23 of March 2022, 03:00 UTC… payment and distribution in USDC (Polygon), and on BSC respectively. You can join here.

Creo Engine

Creo Engine is a blockchain ecosystem built “to serve developers and users of blockchain games under its ecosystem,” according to the website.

“Creating a water-tight marketplace where everyone can trade and sell their assets and bring people better welfare, all in the name of blockchain gaming.” On the platform, developers can create and launch their games making them accessible to Creo Engine users

There are four games already developed by the team and an in-house studio that services the entire ecosystem. Players can trade the NFTs they use in the games on marketplaces outside the game.

The total supply of the native token, $CREO is 1,000,000,000. Its initial market cap and swap rates are $242,000 and 0.035 USDC (Polygon) respectively. If you want to be part of this, then look forward to Sat, 26 Mar 2022 03:00 UTC. Don’t forget that payment is in USDC (Polygon), while distribution will be on BSC. Click here to participate.


This is one of the most outstanding blockchain projects with a mission “to accelerate the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.

It operates as an independent blockchain network using the Proof of Stake Mechanism for the verification and creation of blocks. 5irechain is truly a blockchain of the future built with WebAssembly WASM smart contracts abilities, integration with EVM, and Rust programming language. It is self-upgradable making it suitable for future tech use cases like IoT, on-chain governance, e-governance, and others.

The fifth-generation blockchain is regulated by the token $5FIRE which has a total supply of 1,500,000,000, an initial market cap of $1,750,000, and a swap rate of 0.2 USDC (Polygon). It will be made open on Tue, 29 Mar 2022 03:00 UTC. Payment will be done in USDC (Polygon), while distribution will be on Ethereum. Join here.


Taroverse is a reflection of the most current trend in the world of GameFi: the explosion of metaverses. It’s a play2earn game where “players will be able to interact in real-time and socialize with each other using their nft avatars, voice chats, emotes and participate in events and activities together,” says the website.

Taroverse gives users opportunities to collect NFTs, earn rewards with them and unlock achievements by taking on missions and tasks. It’s bringing in a taste of SocialFi into the ecosystem like StepN.

$TARO is the native token of Taroverse and has a total supply of 2,000,000,000, an initial market cap of $558,000, and a swap rate of 0.018 USDC (Polygon). On Wed, 30 Mar 2022 03:00 UTC, the project will be open. And of course, payment is in USDC (Polygon), and distribution on OEC.

A lot more projects will be launched on Kommunitas. For these listed, you can put the dates down, do your research and decide which of them to participate in. We have a full breakdown of how you can participate in these projects here.

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