Extraordinary is the word. What then is “The Ordinary”? and what is “The Extra”?
Games are products with many creative designs and features. People who engage in games get the pleasure of navigating interesting storylines turned into simulations. Different categories of gaming carter for the likes of different people, fighting/shooting games, puzzles, racing, etc. This is “the ordinary”, where gamers give their time and resources then get pleasure or fun in turn.
In a forward step, gaming has added an extra to what it was, it now seeks to engage its users in innovative gameplay and reward them with not just pleasure. This is “the extra”, people who patronize games can now make a living out of their pleasure; sellable rewards in exchange for their engagement and resources. The emergence of Blockchain technology and the integration of Metaverse, Cryptocurrency, and NFTs have made this possible. It could be the same story, and design but a different or more reward unit. These games with an extra touch from the ordinary are called Play-to-Earn Games.
How to access these games could pose a challenge to most gamers. This is where Step Hero Multiverse comes in. Step Hero Multiverse curates play-to-earn games and makes them available for gamers.
This Multiverse; Step Hero, brings together Blockchain play-to-earn games with engaging gameplay mode and good earning opportunities in a collection; Hero Game Hub. The featured NFT games are accompanied by NFT Marketplace, NFT Farming, Summon Gate, and NFT Lending (yet to be launched).
The Step Hero Multiverse Ecosystem
Hero Game Hub: a hub is a converging point or a platform that connects many other products or networks. The Hero Game Hub is the NFT game library for Step Hero Multiverse. It houses a collection of NFT games in different categories, gameplay mode, and earning system. Gamers who access the Hub freely are holders of the $HERO and $STEP tokens. They have the opportunity to experience the curated games in Step Hero Multiverse. $STEP and $HERO are the ecosystem’s in-game utility tokens and assets.
Hero Marketplace: what gamers could do in the step Hero marketplace includes NFT minting, NFT buying and selling, NFT market review or history reviews, Placing orders, and being part of the ecosystem affiliate program. To access or get started on the Hero marketplace, users will have to create a Metamask wallet with which to connect to the Step Hero network. After a successful connection, search for Hero Marketplace to access the available collectibles to pick from. The search icon helps users filter their search according to most viewed collectible, most favorite, latest, or price.
Users filter their search based on the NFT attributes, on the Hero Marketplace, there are about 16 NFT characters, 5 elements, and 6 levels of NFT rarity. On the user dashboard, is a gateway for them to view their wishlist, listings, and assets. Assets are the user’s mystery chest, NFTs available for sale, listings, or hunting. The NFTs bookmarked as favorites or saved collections are the user’s wishlist. A record of the user activities in the marketplace is their listings. Listings cover down to their offers and referrals.
Affiliate Program: one of the ways to earn in Step Hero Multiverse is by letting others know about the platform and getting them to sign up. With this, users even without playing games earn. The user earns a 0.3% affiliate commission on transactions linked to their referral link. When a user’s referral link is used to sign up and wallet successfully connected, each transaction on the Hero Marketplace earns the user a commission.
HERO Farming: users earn rewards when they lock up their tokens on farm pools. Staking is a good way to earn passively, a user could farm their token to earn $HERO, points, or stake their NFT to earn a rarer NFT. HERO NFTs are staked to earn $STEP in a Bounty Hunting feature. The rewards are shared among participating users in the Bounty pool and the Bounty Hunting ability of a HERO aids their earning advantage. When a HERO is locked in a Bounty pool, it cannot be traded on the Hero marketplace or join Step Hero RPG.
Summon Gate: Through the platform summon gate, users call up new NFTs just like in the ancient summoning ritual. On Step Hero Multiverse new NFTs are created by combining a certain number of Heroes known as Master Heroes. The master Heroes are 2 HERO NFTs and gas is paid in both $STEP and $HERO tokens. Each master Hero has 10 limited participation in the summoning ritual. The 2 Heroes to be combined must not have a Descendant and master relationship or not have the same master.
The newly created NFT is called an Apprentice Hero and grows/qualifies to become a true Hero after training; the rarer the Apprentice Hero the longer the training. The higher the rarity of the two Master Heroes combined to summon the Apprentice Hero the higher the rarity level of the Apprentice Hero. After a successful summoning, all the information about the Apprentice Hero is not known until 12 hours after the ritual. The information includes rarity, class, bounty hunting ability, and character.
$STEP is the ticker for Step Hero Soul, has an undefined total supply, a listing price of $0.05 to 1 $STEP, and is listed on Pancakeswap on September 22nd, 2021. $STEP is used for Summon ritual gas fee, in-game transactions on the Step Hero Multiverse, purchase of in-game items, rank upgrade, and chest opening. Users earn $STEP when they win battles or complete tasks and when they stake NFTs on bounty pools.
$HERO is the ticker for HERO Token, has a total supply of 100,000,000 HERO, and is used primarily in HERO Farming where points earned are used in NFT redemption. The 100,000,000 HERO will be allocated or distributed into different categories. Private sales, Game incentives, marketing, and liquidity have higher allocations than others.
Step Hero Multiverse growth plan is designed in their road map. From the time of launch; to the second quarter of 2021, they have projects to be carried out to enhance platform growth and drive engagement.
With a core team of 5, Step Hero Multiverse built its studio in early 2021. The platform advisors as stated on the Step Hero Multiverse whitepaper are high-profile experts in Blockchain project consultancy.
Different creatives go into designing play-to-earn games. With the many launched projects, the market is competitive and driving massive adoption. Step Hero Multiverse is a game hub for play-to-earn games, brings together different Blockchain games, and makes them easily accessible to gamers.
Just like every other project, users should do their research and ensure they are satisfied with the platform’s game mechanics, tokenomics, and play-to-earn model before getting into the project.