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How Earnathon Can Help the Security Situation in Nigeria 



There’s a saying that ‘education is the key to success”. Others wouldn’t argue against this and say education isn’t the key to success but to knowledge. However the position of anyone, there’s a general and undeniable connection between education and prosperity of a nation. 

Education plays a unique role in shaping the destiny of any nation. And this is why Earnathon is ever relevant. 

It’s commonplace knowledge that Nigeria is challenged. There have been reports of violent crimes across the nation. While this isn’t peculiar to Nigeria alone but the rest of the world also, the focus is on Nigeria.

Related: The Inside story of how Earnathon came to be.

Data shows Nigerians over the years have been becoming less happy. The reasons for this are not just from security but from several factors, however, it’s undeniable that the security challenges in the most populous African nation is unbecoming. 

And it’s also commonplace knowledge that education plays a critical role in shaping a nation. This is where Earnathon becomes imperative in helping the security challenges in the country. 

With more and more people getting education, it’ll lead to less crime in the country. 

Related: How Earnathon is Making Cryptocurrency Adoption Easier 

This belief is echoed by research organization.

“.. there is an overwhelming consensus among public officials, academics, teachers, and parents that postsecondary education is one of the most successful and cost-effective methods of preventing crime……It is believed that higher levels of education will make the immediate gratification of an individual’s preferences and desires through criminal activities less important.”

It’s therefore safe to say that quality education plays a considerable role in reducing crime. 

How Does Earnathon fit in?

Earnathon is an educational platform designed to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency awareness and education to millions of people across the globe. 

Earnathon exists to bring quality education. Blockchain technology has been noted to be an all-life permeating technology. A bedrock of future defining innovations. This is particularly unique to Nigerian State because the country has been noted to be one of the largest cryptocurrency markets in the world. Blockchain and cryptocurrency offer life changing opportunities and possibilities. 

Read also: Introducing Earnathon, an Educational Platform For Learning & Earning Cryptocurrency

Earnathon’s goal to bring blockchain based education to people across multiple languages and Nigeria has been noted to be a multi-ethnic group. This positions Earnathon as a platform that can bring knowledge of life defining innovations that could shape the lives, destinies of people and ultimately reduce the security challenges in the nation. 

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