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Donald Trump drops new NFTS



Former President of The United States Donald Trump has launched another set of NFTs and already has over 38000 minted on Polygon.

The new collection was launched on April 18th, at $99 each and had a floor price of 0.0611 (ETH) at the time of writing, according to data from NFT marketplace OpenSea, racking up a volume of 708 ETH. 

Based on the collections creator fee of 10%, the sales have generated over $100,000, while the initial subscription generated an additional $3.76 million of revenue based on a sale price of $99.

In a recent Instagram post,  Trump suggested that he kept the price the same as it was for the first series “because I want my fans & supporters to make money, & have fun doing it,” Adding that he could have made the price even higher, as he believed it would still have sold well, stating the if he did, he would be given “no nice guy credit”.

The initial series, unveiled on Dec. 15, 2022, has seen its floor price drop by 61% in the last 24 hours, according to OpenSea, although the trading volume has increased by 1,011%.

This time around, Trump’s team isn’t offering up as many ancillary benefits, but anyone who purchases 47 of the NFT trading cards will apparently receive a ticket to a gala dinner with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago golf club in Florida. For the Series 1 launch, buyers also received potential benefits like Zoom calls with Trump or an in-person meet-and-greet.

The Series 2 set builds on the theme of the original set, which featured Trump depicted as a superhero, astronaut, cowboy, and in other larger-than-life settings. This time around, the NFT artwork includes Trump carrying a championship pro wrestling belt, as a hunter, and wearing firefighting gear.


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