Introduces Data Accountability & Transparency Alliance (DATA) Top Cryptocurrency market indicators tracker Coinmarketcap has announced it will remove cryptocurrency exchanges from its data feed if they...
Atala to Serve the East African Country’s Capital and Agricultural Supply Chain Charles Hoskinson, Cardano founder, CEO of IOHK, who is also the former Co-founder of...
Jaguar automobiles have ventured into the world of Blockchain Technology seeking ways to better reward their customers, while also collecting feedback data for product improvement. The...
Blockchain has proven to be a major player in the economic future of the world. While it is still less than halfway into 2019, it wouldn’t...
Despite the decline in the level of fundraising in cryptospace, projects will still needed to be funded if we are to push the technology forward. This...
Reports reaching us suggests that Finland’s Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) is making plans to assume the supervisory role as an authority in registration for the crypto...
Startups always come to make life a lot less difficult for the community while also promoting financial benefits for the project. This opinion is shared among...
Justin Sun, the CEO of Tron who’s extremely active on Twitter, tweeted a video earlier in the week hinting at a proposed partnership with the famous...
The African Blockchain Alliance (ABA) in partnership with ConsenSys Academy the Educational arm of the US Based Ethereum Blockchain firm ConsenSys has announced their collaborative effort...
There have been various reports of crypto hacks and theft. Although, the developer of the first blockchain based asset, bitcion, created it in such a way...