With the increasing adoption of cryptocurrency within world’s developed and developing economies, the educational sector is making endeavors to contribute its quota. With ivy league universities such as Stanford, George Town etc., adopting cryptocurrency courses, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, which is an institution of learning in Brazil has been reported to launch Brazils first ever Cryptocurrency Master’s Program.
Program coordinator at FGV, Ricardo Rochman, emphasized the need for greater educational resources to be made available on the subject of cryptocurrency, stating “It is a market with a profound lack of people with expertise. Cryptofinance has economic and financial fundamentals that are worth discussing, researching, and [being] taught.”
Twenty-six-year-old economics student at FGV, Michele Araujo, attested to the benefits to studying the markets from a non-speculative perspective, stating “There is a conceptual gain of knowing both the practical applications of the technology and cryptocurrency as an alternative investment.”
The increase in cryptocurrency adoption is what has also led to some Brazilian studen
ts establishing what is now known as Blockchain Insper. Blockchain Insper is an initiative established as both a study group and a junior company. The group which was established by two economics students was formed about seven months ago with affiliations and partnerships with about five different cryptocurrency companies with the goal for these companies to provide professionals serving as mentors and consultants to the group.
Currently, Blockchain Insper has 23 members who are divided into research teams studying finance, technology, and business, and departments tasked with the management and practical execution of marketing, strategy, content, and events. All students are involved with both practical and research activities.
Also, not left out is the University of Sao Paulo. The Faculty of Economics and administration last year also incorporated cryptocurrency courses into their curriculum. Professor Genaro, who is the leading faculty staff stated that “students ought to be made aware of the knowledge or information that could affect the place /role of money and how cryptocurrency can affect the world’s economy. According to the professor;
“People have to understand which factors are beneficial and which are not suitable [regarding cryptocurrency”