Since the inception of Cryptocurrency exchanges in 2010, Cryptocurrency Trading and Investment has been the wild west and is reputed to be the most volatile market in the world. It’s a wild ride. A roller coaster of emotional swings.
One day you’re dreaming of your mansion by the sea, the next you’re in bed staring at your phone, a nervous wreck lost in a sea of red questioning why you even got into this market in the first place.
Today the best traders in the space with Accurate Technical and Fundamental Analysis of the market still end up with a fifty to sixty per cent chance of succeeding in the market and predicting a successful trade from the price action of a coin, most end up having to rely on only news and some others market manipulation (pumps and dumps).
Ready. Trader. One.

Using 5 proprietary algorithms and Augmented Intelligence, Xchangerate Trading presents a new strategy to engage markets profitably helping Traders/Portfolio Managers navigate the complex cryptocurrency market and make expert decisions, all in one convenient platform. Data pipelines from plugins and APIs combine with unique, relevant metrics to detect market attitudes.
Investors set buy/sell parameters and choose to make manual or automatic trades triggered by if/then conditions.Users are freed from having to make every decision and separately track trends and currencies.
Instead, the XchangeRate makes intelligent decisions on its users’ behalf, enabling investors to trade popular currencies around the clock based on set criteria and interpretation of big data analysis proprietary to the platform. Crypto trading will never remain the same for Traders and crypto exchanges around the world.

XchangeRate Crypto Auto Trading comes with the Multi Exchange Max the unique self-selective trade filters that has yielded 97% minimum percentage profitability of its choices of trades.
It is a multi combo metric filter that selects the coin overlapping on 5 already winning metrics.
Also, Based on Trader settings The entire machine is built to enter and exit trades on your specified exchanges automatically while also having a manual option.
It currently has integrations for most of the popular exchanges including Binance, Bittrex, Kucoin, Bitfinex, and HitBtc. More will be added upon community requests.

Ready to feel the magic of XchangeRate Trading?
Take emotions out of the way! sit back, relax and let the software do the magic for you? You’re just a few setups away from this. Let’s show you just how.
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XRRT token is the native currency of the Xchangerate and can be gotten on our exchange partners