6 years agoon
KittieFight, an Ethereum based martial arts Cat fighting game is set for its public test launch. According to the firm, the details will be communicated soon.
As blockchain technology continues to grow daily, newer and innovative products are being developed. Products that could totally upturn the existing, create new systems, industries or make better the existing social, political and economical construct.
Back in 2009 when Bitcoin was released to the world, the only applications that could be built using the Bitcoin blockchain were finance–focused apps. But as the Blockchain technology has evolved, newer types of applications are now possible.
For the ingenious and hardworking individuals building global, competitive and simply disruptive solutions, CryptoTVPlus is focused on making the media accessible to them. It is on this premise the CryptoTVPlus team met with the KittieFight team – the Founder, Mr. Oladapo Ajayi and Core Team Lead Mr. Charles Okaformbah to get to know about the KittieFight Project and how the development journey has been since the project started.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): Hi, what is your name and your designation in KittieFight?
Oladapo Ajayi: I am Oladapo Ajayi, Founder, Architecture, Game Theory and Overall Technical Team Lead KittieFight., Founder, KittieFight.
Charles Okaformbah: I am Charles Okaformbah; the Core Team Lead.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): What inspired or drove you to build KittieFight?
Oladapo Ajayi: ln early 2018, soon as the market opportunity became evident to position the product as the first platform with potential to rival and eclipse online poker or online gambling market size. This is due to the sheer numbers & majority of internet users as cat lovers.
Combining it with a system of Cash jackpot incentive is an age-old formula for a home run.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): Can you tell us what the KittieFight Project is about?
Oladapo Ajayi: KittieFight is a fighting game, kind of like the popular Mortal Kombat where kitties (cats) fight each other in a fighting arena. The fight moves are controlled based on bets placed by the supporting sides – Black Corner and Red Corner.
Just like you have in a boxing match where people buy tickets to go watch the fight and have fighters they support.
Before each game starts both corners are expected to get the minimum required number of supporters.
At the end of each game, the winning side goes home with all the bets of the losing side plus the initial amount set for the game to start by the KittieFight team. Each game is automatically allocated some amount of money called HONEYPOT/JACKPOT from our vault.
The amount keeps increasing with the bets being placed by both supporting corners(Red and Black). It’s expected that the bets being placed by both sides’ increases 10X the initial or starting amount of the game taken from our vault.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): Where is the KittieFight Firm currently based/registered?
Oladapo Ajayi: We are a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organisation). We are based in the Virgin Islands with a large number of our personnel within the DAO in Nigeria.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): You mention vault. What is it about?
Charles Okaformbah: Our vault is called the Endowment Fund where we get money to fund each game. The Endowment Fund is a key important business module that stores all Ether in the system from which every game generates an Ether & KTY Jackpot prize from.
It also moderates the supply and demand within the KittieFIGHT token economy by means of preset variables, requiring ~10% of Jackpot prize in KTY token fees payment for every game and only pays out ~1% to Game winners
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): Tell me more about the KittieFight game.
Oladapo Ajayi: A game is expected to last for 5 minutes. If a game does not have bets that’s 10X more than the initial amount from our endowment fund, the 5 minutes time keeps increasing by 1 minute until the condition is met. Kitty fight is a game where cats/kittens fight each other based on crowd-based actions.
Just like how the cheering crowd at a boxing match motivates boxers to box, in the case of kittyFight, the crowd bet on each kitty they are in support of, causing their kitty to hit the other opponent.
The people/crowd choose which cat to bet on, resulting in action on the part of the chosen cat. The actions are generated by random bets placed on the ethereum blockchain using ether.
The outcome of the betting results of each crowd participant causes events emitted from the blockchain API service to the front-end/UX resulting in kitty animation actions (punching, scratching, etc). The actions result in damage which is reflected in opposing cat through vibration and or shaking or blocks.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): What happens when the conditions are met?
Oladapo Ajayi: Once all conditions are met, the game system/smart contract calculates the winner based on the number of successful attacks and blocked attacks. For an attack to be successful, the supporting crowd in the team needs to keep betting especially with a higher amount to reduce the defense of the other team’s kittie and increase their chances of winning the game.
In order to start a game, both players must have kitties from the Cryptokitties website after which players pay a Listing fee using our token (KTY) in order to list the cat for a fight. Once this is done, players can broadcast or promote the link of the fight to get supporters that will increase their chances of winning the game.
If there are not enough supporters, the game will be canceled and if the two players fail to click on the start button for a game to start when the allotted time reaches, the game is also cancelled.
For a supporter to join the game, he or she is required to pay a gate/game fee in KTY token and every time he/she places bets. The bets being placed are in ETH while the betting fees are in our KTY token.
Aside from the initial fund (ETH) from our endowment fund, a certain amount of our KTY token is also minted for the game. This is the primary channel our KTY token is put into circulation/supply.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): How else can the KTY be obtained? From the open market?
Oladapo Ajayi: Another way to get our token will be through our private investors and bounty hunters once we secure our funding but a limited amount will be in their holdings. The KTY token has a total of 100 million supply.
Also, if the losing player wants to save his or her cat from a place we call KittieHell, a fee in KTY needs to be paid within an allotted time frame. If not, the cat is lost for FOREVER.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): KittieHell?
Charles Okaformbah: Yes. Losing Kittie is locked in Kittie Hell. We have a Kittiehell guard that torments kittie there. Our solution will also help reduce the amount of Cryptokitties in circulation and add more value to their platform.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): For Kitties in KittieHell, shouldn’t there be some form of redemption?
Oladapo Ajayi: Yes of course. A timeframe is given for losers to redeem their kittie with KTY or risk losing it forever.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): This is great!
Charles Okaformbah: What makes it even more interesting is the sharing formula. 35% of the amount won goes to the player or cat owner that started the game, 25% to the highest supporter, 15% to the second highest supporter, 15% to be shared by the other supporters based on the amount contributed and the remaining 10% goes back to our endowment fund.
So within a team, you have supporters betting to be or fall within the rank of top supporters in order to get a bigger stake of the honeypot at the end of a game. So you can say our game is a FOMO vs FOMO game.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): FOMO vs FOMO! Oh my! I noticed from your description of KittieFight, it is built on the Ethereum blockchain, how would you work around network congestion? Or are you thinking of building your own blockchain?
Oladapo Ajayi: We took note of that and working on incorporating a second layer solution that is on top the Ethereum blockchain.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): Something like a sidechain?
Charles Okaformbah: Yes. Also while the Kitties wait for events from the Blockchain to carry out an attack, they keep up shadow-boxing until an event is generated from the Blockchain API and sent to it.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): You had earlier said for a fight to start, both players must have their kitties from the Cryptokitties website, does this basically mean they rent the kitties?
Charles Okaformbah: No. They pay for it on the Cryptokitties site, for those that are familiar with Cryptokitties, you can get a Kittie for less than a US dollar. The Kitties belong to players.
What they do is transfer the kitties to our platform to play the game. After the game, one Kittie leaves while the other one stays with us forever if the owner doesn’t want it. Losing kittie is locked in Kittie Hell.
Also, once a Kittie is placed in our platform for fight, our system calculates the gene of the kittie to determine the defense level which has a role to play in the final computation of the winner of a game especially kitties called Fancy Kitties on the Cryptokitties website though it is not guaranteed that such kittie will win a fight.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): Wow! This is ingenious. How has it been developing KittieFight? The challenges and the victory moments.
Charles Okaformbah: Seeing an idea come to life has always been a motivating factor. Right from the first meeting we had at the beginning of 2018 where Ola Ajayi(founder) shared his thoughts on the project, I’ve always been self motivated to see that it came to fruition.
I also have an eye for the bigger picture even if I go broke doing it. We worked on several iterations of the game animation and graphics. Knowing Ola as someone I will classify as an Innovator that is keen to details and create an impressionable product when it comes to delivering on a project, we felt the butterfly feeling when the game started coming alive from the front-end to the smart contract development on the blockchain.
For challenges, we have had our disappointments and failures along the way especially funds. We just had to believe because we have thrown in everything we’ve got. It’s either we succeed or we succeed.
Also, our last set of distributed developers scattered around the world that worked on the gaming itself needs to be commended. They worked their butts off non-stop. It’s mentally draining to work on a project for such a long time going to like 8 months after 1 year of conceptualizing and redefining the gaming mechanism, token economy, and the whole processes.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): What’s your opinion on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology regulations in Nigeria?
Oladapo Ajayi: Blockchain CANNOT be regulated, it is decentralized and open payment infrastructure accessible to anyone without the need for permission. But we c
an expect regulation to affect custodial blockchain companies and other intermediaries in the cryptocurrency industry. The question is when and how it would affect the players, in the manner they position themselves.
Our primary role as players in the sector is to develop talent and empower the people in order for them to take hold of their future through involvement in decentralized finance. But as it relates to custodial firms in charge of securing peoples cryptocurrency, we will help to ensure we get deeply involved in the regulatory-making framework being drawn by the Regulators in order to give startups in the field a clear-cut chance of survival just like we have in other countries that are seen as a safe haven for blockchain and cryptocurrency startups.
According to SEC in the last meeting held with industry players, they are open to allowing the industry self-regulate and would love to get involved in order to make it a healthy sector that’d be free from fraudulent practices. The regulators can only regulate the players and not the technology so I’m quite positive that things will continue the way they’re presently but a stamp of approval from regulators will help in adoption especially for institutions.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): This is good. But I still have one more question to ask. As you have been leading an ingenious team, what do you have to tell those looking at building a career in the industry?
Charles Okaformbah: For Nigeria software engineers in the space, they have to up their game and also willing to learn with an overdose of patience especially for viable projects. Currently, we lack such in the space and the few good developers prefer to work with foreign organizations because the pay is better. A developer can actually earn as high as $4000 or even much more. Currently, banks and fintech organizations down here are looking for engineers with blockchain and smart contract development knowledge and the market is not saturated yet so I’d advise they take a closer look and see the opportunities if they are not interested in #Buidling. Currently the BNUG is putting up a program to that effect #BlockchainDev1000 to train those that are interested in building a smart contract development career in the space.
As for those that have CodePhobia, you can still play in the space by understanding the blockchain technology and what is obtainable in the industry as well as the requirements needed to put up a blockchain solution, with this, you can be a Blockchain Solution Architect, lead a team or project manage one.
There are lots of solutions out there so understanding the technical details would go a long way to help those that might want to build a career in consulting.
Finally, community managers and project noisemakers are also needed.
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): Noisemakers? (Chuckles)
Charles Okaformbah: Yeah!
Marvelous A. (CryptoTVPlus): Thank you very much. You have been most wonderful.
After a year of conceptualizing and fine-tuning, KittieFight betting game developed back to back by a 15 man global team of several developers, creative designers, animators, neuroscientist etc, KittieFight is ready for Public test launch. The first test-net game will have a total reward of $16,000 in ETH and KTY tokens for players and $500 each in main net ETH for the top supporters, to be paid out at MAIN NET LAUNCH. More info according to the firm will be communicated in due time.
We can’t wait for it.
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