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TONWIFHAT’s $TWIF Token Crashes Post-Launch: What Went Wrong?

TONWIFHAT aims to stabilize and rebuild with measures including periodic token burns, a buy-back and burn initiative, an exchange listing on BITMART, and the commencement of rewards and airdrops to foster community engagement and long-term commitment.



TONWIFHAT’s $TWIF token crashes post-launch, losing 80% value. Discover what went wrong and their detailed recovery plan to stabilize and rebuild.

– TONWIFHAT’s token launch of $TWIF on the TON blockchain came with high hopes.
– The token’s value plummeted by over 80% within hours due to massive sell-offs.
– TONWIFHAT aims to stabilize and rebuild with new measures.


TONWIFHAT—a project aimed at bringing the popular Solana-based meme-coin $WIF into the TON blockchain ecosystem—has faced a severe setback. Backed by notable Solana investors, the initiative launched with high hopes, only to see its token value plummet by over 80% within a single day.

This unexpected crash has sparked a wave of criticism and raised questions about the project and its future. Here’s a closer look at what went wrong according to the project and the steps TONWIFHAT is taking to recover.

The launch of $TWIF on the TON blockchain was initially considered a success according to a recent publication by the project. Investors were eager, and the project promised significant returns: an 80% ROI for private sale participants and a 30% ROI for public sale participants. However, the enthusiasm quickly turned into disillusionment. Within hours of the launch, the token’s value nosedived, leaving many investors reeling.

The rapid decline in $TWIF’s value according to TONWIFHAT was primarily driven by a massive sell-off from presale participants. Over 90% of these early investors dumped their tokens immediately after the launch, undermining the project’s stability.

Per the project, this massive exodus was unexpected, given the initial belief that the community was committed to the project’s long-term success.

Compounding the problem was the behavior of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) who were supposed to distribute whitelist (WL) spots to the community. Instead, TONWIFHAT noted that many KOLs hoarded these WL spots and bought tokens for themselves.

The project stated that an analysis of their wallet transactions revealed that several wallets, which had received tokens through the WL, funneled them back to KOLs who then dumped the tokens en masse at launch.

TONWIFHAT’s $TWIF token crashes post-launch, losing 80% value. Discover what went wrong and their detailed recovery plan to stabilize and rebuild.

TONWIFHAT’s $TWIF token crashes post-launch, losing 80% value. Discover what went wrong and their detailed recovery plan to stabilize and rebuild.

The project stated that their decision to forgo vesting periods—a move influenced by community feedback—also contributed to the crisis. Without any restrictions on selling, the market was flooded with $TWIF tokens, driving the price down rapidly. This decision, intended to empower the community, backfired spectacularly.

A Plan for Recovery & Apology

The price crash has sparked a storm of criticism on social media. Some users have gone as far as to accuse the project of being a scam. A user named Teabagz expressed frustration, saying, “You people are thieves and liars. The dumping of some of those private sales was not supposed to affect anything. This is just a total gaslighting and manipulation.”

Another user, Black, shared a similar sentiment, lamenting a 70% loss on their investment and accusing the project of changing listing plans without proper communication. “Why still trying to cause people more loss? I lost close to 70% of my capital as a private sales investor. You think this thread can make me buy in again?”

DeFimaestro, another disgruntled investor, dismissed the project entirely, calling it a “money grab” and a scheme run by “grifters.”

In response to the backlash since the token’s price crash, TONWIFHAT has issued a public apology. The team acknowledged the unexpected challenges and expressed regret for the losses incurred by investors. “We are deeply sorry for the unforeseen situations that we encountered at launch that cost everyone of us a lot of resources and time. Please bear with us as we are here to stay and we will be back up soon,” read the statement.

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Despite the disastrous launch, TONWIFHAT is determined to bounce back. The team has outlined several steps to stabilize the token and regain investor trust:

Despite the disastrous launch, TONWIFHAT is determined to bounce back. The team has outlined several steps to stabilize the token and regain investor trust, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and recovery.

Firstly, TONWIFHAT plans to implement Periodic Token Burns. This strategy involves burning 50% of the total supply periodically to reduce the number of tokens in circulation. By decreasing the supply, the team hopes to increase the token’s value over time, creating a more favorable market environment for investors.

Secondly, a Buy-Back and Burn initiative will be executed. All funds raised from the presale will be used to buy back tokens from the market and subsequently burn them. This aggressive approach aims to remove a significant number of tokens from circulation, further supporting the token’s price and demonstrating the team’s dedication to enhancing token value.

In addition, TONWIFHAT will proceed with its planned Exchange Listing on BITMART. Listing on a reputable exchange is expected to boost liquidity and market confidence. It will provide a more accessible platform for trading $TWIF, attracting new investors and facilitating smoother transactions for existing holders.

To promote community engagement and long-term commitment, TONWIFHAT will commence all planned Rewards and Airdrops. These incentives are designed to reward loyal holders and encourage more investors to join the community, contributing to the token’s stability and growth.

Looking ahead, some questions need answers. The path to recovery for TONWIFHAT is fraught with challenges. It will need to rebuild trust within the community and stabilize the token’s value. This will require concerted effort and transparent communication. The project’s future hinges on its ability to deliver on its promises and restore investor confidence.

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