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Donald Trump vows to fire SEC chair, Gary Gensler if elected



Trump vows to fire SEC chair, Gary Gensler if elected

US Republican candidate Donald Trump announced his intention to fire the current Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Gary Gensler, should he be elected in the upcoming presidential elections.

This declaration came during his speech at the Bitcoin2024 conference in Nashville, where Trump addressed a large and enthusiastic audience of cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

Trump’s speech emphasized a vision of America as a global leader in the cryptocurrency sector. He criticized the current SEC leadership under Gensler for what he perceives as stifling innovation and creating an unfriendly environment for the rapidly growing crypto industry.

According to Trump, the SEC’s regulatory approach has been overly restrictive, hindering the United States from realizing its full potential in the digital financial revolution.

According to Trump, the US needs leadership that understands the future and is not afraid to build it, pledging to appoint a new SEC Chairman who supports a more forward-thinking and innovation-friendly regulatory framework.

He assured the audience that his administration would promote an environment that encourages growth and leadership in the global crypto market, positioning the United States at the forefront of this technological wave.

In addition to his stance on SEC leadership, Trump made several other significant promises to the crypto community. He firmly declared again that, “There will never be a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) while I am President of the United States.”

This statement has been well received, reflecting widespread skepticism and concern about CBDCs within the crypto community.

Trump also reaffirmed his commitment to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road marketplace, who is currently serving in jail. Ross Ulbricht has been in prison since 2013 and some believe his case represents an example of the government’s overreach and there is a need for reform in the Justice system. 

In a direct challenge to the current administration, Trump vowed, that the day he takes the oath of office, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ anti-crypto crusade will be over. He argued that Bitcoin is not a threat to the US dollar, but rather that the current US government’s policies are undermining the dollar’s value and stability.

Trump’s remarks extended to the future performance of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. He predicted that if he were to be elected president, Bitcoin, and crypto markets would experience unprecedented growth.

The price of Bitcoin will skyrocket like never before, he asserted, adding that he believes Bitcoin could one day surpass the market cap of gold.

The speech at Bitcoin2024 highlighted Trump’s strategy to align himself with the cryptocurrency community, which has felt under siege from regulatory pressures.

By promising a regulatory overhaul and a more supportive environment for digital currencies, Trump is positioning himself as a champion of the crypto revolution, a stance that could resonate with a key demographic of tech-savvy, libertarian-leaning voters.

As the election approaches, Trump’s statements will likely continue to spark debate about the future of cryptocurrency regulation in the United States.

His promises of deregulation and innovation-friendly policies may appeal to those frustrated with the current regulatory landscape, while also drawing criticism from those who view stricter oversight as necessary for market stability and consumer protection.

Only time will tell how these promises will impact his campaign and the broader discourse on cryptocurrency in American politics. For now, Trump’s bold declarations at Bitcoin2024 have undoubtedly made waves, setting the stage for a contentious and high-stakes debate on the future of digital currency regulation in the United States.

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