NAIROBI –: Glass House PR Ltd is honored to host the first Africa Digital Finance Summit- ADFS. The summit will bring together Governments in Africa, stakeholders across the globe in the financial, economic, technology and blockchain industry with the aim to chart a pathway towards the future of finance in Africa. The inaugural event is themed “Decentralized Finance; our pathway to Financial Freedom”. This event will be held in Nairobi, Kenya on February 18th and 19th 2021, attracting different heads of African states and global delegates.
Mary Njoki, CEO GlassHousePR said “This summit will be slotted once every year, so it will be annual. We want to ensure we bring the digital finance conversation to Africa. Africa is known to be diverse and leads in adaptation of digital innovations. Bringing this conversation here, means we as Africans are expressing our needs, with our voice and ensuring that these innovations are customized for us as Africans.”
The ADFS will comprehensively address issues affecting financial technologies innovations in Africa, policies and legislations that will guarantee a sustainable conducive environment for the uptake of these technologies as well as the empowerment of current and successive generations, implementation of blockchain and related technologies across Africa, the future of Finance in Africa as well as how African governments and private sector can leverage on the convergence of various transformational technologies in order to positively chart the trajectory of the socio economic growth on the African continent.
Glass House PR, one of Africa’s top PR firm is set to host the first ever Africa Digital Finance Summit in Africa in February 2021.
The event will also see the heads of state launch an online platform creating opportunities for the youth in Africa to get entrepreneurial opportunities created by blockchain and decentralized finance.
In the past 8 years, Glass House PR has become an award winning independent PR agency, working with brands across all sectors in the global market. In November 2019 we were recognized by Global Business Awards as the Best in Digital Communication and Media Management in Kenya. In February 2020, we were again recognized by Global Business Awards as the most outstanding PR and communication Agency in Kenya.
Glass House PR brings together a mix of services and comes up with a customized approach for each client as opposed to the one- shoe-fits all approach. This integrated approach to communications and PR ensures that all angles of a company’s story are aligned and delivered to key audiences in a clear, smart and steady manner.
We are founded and believe in the principles of professionalism, integrity, clear and transparent communication; we pride ourselves in excellent service delivery. We have worked with other renowned brands globally and have been recognized immensely for our contribution in the field of PR.
Ultimately, our goal will be to package and position the client within the target audiences in a way that clearly communicates their goals and objectives to them. We believe not to be just any PR agency but one which will serve seamlessly as an extension of your communications department.