Telegram has announced plans to open an office in Kazakhstan to expand its presence in Central Asia. Known for its privacy and security features, the popular...
As blockchain technology continue to advance, the role of validators becomes increasingly important in protecting network security and maintaining integrity. With Ethereum boasting over 1.6 million...
While speculation plays a major role in crypto, their potential reaches much further. Cryptos facilitate cross-border transactions, enable decentralized finance, and support smart contracts—transforming financial systems....
Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) has recently introduced a new bill called the Clarity for Payment Stablecoins Act of 2024. This bill aims to create clear rules...
A user of FTX, a failed cryptocurrency exchange, is suing a hedge fund, claiming it profited from FTX’s bankruptcy. This lawsuit emerged after a federal court...
Chris Larsen, one of the founders of Ripple, recently made news by donating $1 million in the XRP cryptocurrency, to the Kamala Harris presidential campaign. This...
The FBI recently conducted a smart operation using a fake AI cryptocurrency, NexFundAI, to catch market manipulators. The FBI created the NexFundAI token as part of...
Over the years, the activity level of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) has mostly been downhill, with a marked drop in their popularity and occurrence since their...
The Avalanche Foundation has announced an agreement to repurchase all AVAX tokens previously sold to the Luna Foundation Guard (LFG), in April 2022. The agreement is...
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched an antitrust case against Google, accusing the company of maintaining an illegal monopoly in the search engine and digital...